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 - MVS / AES -

 v4.0, 06/05/2018


 v3.3, 03/04/2016



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The UNIVERSE BIOS is a patched version of the original SNK BIOS. Most code is the same as the original BIOS with the new code being worked into it. To access features of the UNIVERSE BIOS you will need to use button codes.
For the Neo Geo CD system please visit the dedicated CD Systems page.
The following codes should be used on the 1up controller while the splash screen is showing or held during power up if the splash screen is disabled;
     (A)+(B)+(C)		UNIVERSE BIOS Menu

     (A)+(B)+(C)+(D)	Memory Card Manager

     (B)+(C)+(D)		Test Mode (MVS only)

     (B)+(C)+(D)		Hardware Test (AES only)

     (Use 2up controller for the following code)
     (A)+(B)+(C)+(D)	Controller Test (AES only)

The following codes are available in game only, they will not work if you have disabled the in game menu (general bios settings);
    (START)+(SELECT)	In Game Menu

    (START)+(COIN)		In Game Menu

    (START)+(A)+(B)+(C)	In Game Menu

Further information on using the UNIVERSE BIOS is provided in the manual that came with the UNIVERSE BIOS or in the readme.txt included with the image.

SNK Forever