 What is it
 Terms of Use
 How it Works
 Screen Shots

 CD Systems


 Known Issues

 Latest Version
 - MVS / AES -

 v4.0, 06/05/2018


 v3.3, 03/04/2016



- Official Homepage -

Welcome to the official UNIVERSE BIOS (also known as UniBios) Homepage.
Here you will find all the latest information on the UNIVERSE BIOS for NeoGeo MVS, AES and CD systems. Remember this is not an official SNK Bios, it is a homebrew project aimed at enhancing the experiance when playing on NeoGeo hardware.
WARNING! From time to time counterfeit UNIVERSE BIOS are sold on eBay, some retrogame forums and other international trading sites. In many cases these do not work correctly for various reasons including alteration or incorrect hardware spec.
22/01/2025 - Minor PC-2_NEO update
Mike Wolak has updated PC-2-NEO to a newer libUSB spec so it will now work correctly on USB3 and newer interfaces. Be aware you will be required to install the new driver also.
Head over to our PC-2-NEO page to download the new version.
20/03/2020 - UNIVERSE BIOS v4.0 for MVS/AES & v3.3 for CD now Free
As some of you know I have stopped selling the UNIVERSE BIOS last year. As of today you can download the latest versions from the download section. Please note that this does not give one the right or permission to start selling it on eBay or any other website.
If you need help obtaining a copy on EPROM see the list of people on the download page and obtain one from them. These are people who have supported the UNIVERSE BIOS over the years and have been good contributors to the NeoGeo scene in general. They have been given permission to help you, support them and not some other seller on eBay (or elsewhere) whose only interest is their pocket.
The UNIVERSE BIOS Splash Screen
The UNIVERSE BIOS Cheats Engine

SNK Forever